Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How shitty are my first drafts?

How shitty is my first draft? Have you ever taken the time to ask yourself this question? Well, after reading Shitty First Drafts this has made me think as to why I have never really taken the time out to make my first draft somewhat decent. The answer to this just might be laziness. Throughout my career of being in school almost every time it was time for me to write an essay, I wrote one draft and that was it. There were very few times when I actually sat down and wrote a second draft and tried to revise my paper. Even then it wasn’t really revision. But this isn’t with every writer. There are some people who actually brainstorm and take their time with their first draft to get their thoughts out. But for me, after reading Shitty First Drafts and being in my English I learned that all I was doing was editing my paper. Doing this by only checking for some grammatical errors that could easily be fixed. Never really taking the time out to revise, reconstruct, and make my paper a better one.
Not only do I think this applies to first drafts but as well with everyday speech. As I talked about in another one of my blogs dealing with text speak. I feel today many people search for the quick and easy way to get things done. So my response to Shitty First Drafts is thank you. After reading this I have opened up my eyes to revising and fixing my papers. Although disagreeing with some of the thoughts the overall view is something I agree with. There are many writers, either it be from professionals to students who does not do a good job getting the structure of a paper together. This is why I feel this article was good and resourceful article for me and others to realize mistakes when writing.

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